Käisin eile õhtul sellisel imelisel üritusel nagu "Stiilikanal kolib Pärnu". Olin sellest juba nädal varem femmest lugenud aga mulle jäi vahepeal mulje, et see üritus oli juba ära. Õnneks helistas mulle õhtul sõbranna ja uuris, et ega ma midagi selle ürituse kohta ei tea, teadsin muidugi ! ;) Läksimegi. :)
Kahjuks olin õhtul mantli koju unustanud, põlvepikkune seelik ja pluusike tõmbasid tõsiselt õhtukülma ligi, veits tõbine nüüd aga elab üle.
Tsiteerin ; "Imetabane suvi plaanitakse ära saata kolme disaineri moeshow'ga, kus oma uusi kollektsioone presenteerivad Liina Stein, Kai Eichen ja Aulikki Puniste ning ekraanil näidatakse Pariisis resideeruva ja Femme ühe kaasautori Gerli Liivamäe moefilmi "Airy Fairy"."
"Erilistele kulinaarsetele naudingutele ning moevaatemängule loob meeleolu alati särav Uku Suviste."
Lisan siia mõned oma pildid, sest mujal pole neid ilmselt veel üleval. Kõike ei õnnestunud esimese naksuga pildil saada, vabandust. :)
Igatahes kannaks paljusid neist. ;)
Tänan tähelepanu eest!
*MA loodan, et edaspidi olen tubli tüdruk ja olen aktiivsem* (A)
Hi! I know that I'm not so active in here anymore. I have my own reasons but still...
Our ride to Paris (by bus) lasted for 3 days. We saw different countries such as Latvia, Lithuenia , Poland, Czech Republic and Germany.
We stopped in different eating places, hotels and I can say that our bus-trip was worth it! Anyways we finally made it!
Our hotel was 24km away from Paris, it was actually Paris suburub called Villeparisis.
The weather was rainy but not in the next 3 days. On our first day in Paris the morning was cloudy and we thought that we can't go on the top of the Eiffel. Luckly sun was shining for us in the evening. ;) We did one bus-trip and then we got some free time to spend in Paris. Me and my granny went to Louvre - yes, we saw "Mona Lisa" and many different piece of art. So Goood!!
It was almost evening and we went to Eiffel. We stood in queue for about 1,5 h. It wasn't so much and it was worth it!
Oh, what a view! Macigal!
Our first day was superb!
We went to Loire valley to see some castles. Our first castle was Chambord - more like in style of the hunting-castle :)I must say that I saw some beautiful paintings where I saw different royal clothes and so I want to show you what ppl where wearing at that time ;)
Our 2nd castle was called Blois, it was smaller and cuter. And we also had some time to walk around in the town. (I went to shop called Jacqueline Riu and got 2 blouses and one skirt, it all was cheap.)
Our 3rd place to visit was Leonardo Da Vinci house-museum. I must say that he was a GENIUS.
We visited Versailles castle. The most beautiful and the biggest castle that I have ever saw.
We also went to Montmartre hill. The place for arts - different artists lived there and it was one of the most cultured place in Paris.
We were also given some free time in Paris and then I ran to Les Halles but I couldn't find second hand shops street and then I bought myself a dress and a skirt from H&M. But next time... who knows! ;)
Our time in Paris ended on Seine river. Last looks on Paris...
More pictures from http://www.orkut.com/Main#Album?uid=9598589612918611137&aid=1282022021 and http://www.orkut.com/Main#Album?uid=9598589612918611137&aid=1282096669
Our ride to Paris (by bus) lasted for 3 days. We saw different countries such as Latvia, Lithuenia , Poland, Czech Republic and Germany.
We stopped in different eating places, hotels and I can say that our bus-trip was worth it! Anyways we finally made it!
Our hotel was 24km away from Paris, it was actually Paris suburub called Villeparisis.
The weather was rainy but not in the next 3 days. On our first day in Paris the morning was cloudy and we thought that we can't go on the top of the Eiffel. Luckly sun was shining for us in the evening. ;) We did one bus-trip and then we got some free time to spend in Paris. Me and my granny went to Louvre - yes, we saw "Mona Lisa" and many different piece of art. So Goood!!
It was almost evening and we went to Eiffel. We stood in queue for about 1,5 h. It wasn't so much and it was worth it!
Oh, what a view! Macigal!
Our first day was superb!
We went to Loire valley to see some castles. Our first castle was Chambord - more like in style of the hunting-castle :)I must say that I saw some beautiful paintings where I saw different royal clothes and so I want to show you what ppl where wearing at that time ;)
Our 2nd castle was called Blois, it was smaller and cuter. And we also had some time to walk around in the town. (I went to shop called Jacqueline Riu and got 2 blouses and one skirt, it all was cheap.)
Our 3rd place to visit was Leonardo Da Vinci house-museum. I must say that he was a GENIUS.
We visited Versailles castle. The most beautiful and the biggest castle that I have ever saw.
We also went to Montmartre hill. The place for arts - different artists lived there and it was one of the most cultured place in Paris.
We were also given some free time in Paris and then I ran to Les Halles but I couldn't find second hand shops street and then I bought myself a dress and a skirt from H&M. But next time... who knows! ;)
Our time in Paris ended on Seine river. Last looks on Paris...
More pictures from http://www.orkut.com/Main#Album?uid=9598589612918611137&aid=1282022021 and http://www.orkut.com/Main#Album?uid=9598589612918611137&aid=1282096669
Here I come Paris!
Jap, homme juba Pariisi minek ;)
Ma loodan, et kõik, kes midagi seal soovivad, on juba minuga ühendust võtnud. Kui ei, siis helistage :D
Meil pole aias eriti lilli aga kiile on küll. Üks oli nõus mulle ka küsimata poseerima.
Ostsin Pariisi minekuks jalatsid. Need on nüüd nii äratallatud kui võimalik. Küll ma olen nendega öösiti igalpool ringi kolistanud - küll liiva sees, küll mullas :D Nad ei näe enam nii värsked välja ja siis ma mõtlesin, et töötlen neid veidi :P
Loodan, et saan teile hiljem Pariisist ka ülevaate teha. Piltide näol. Ja ma üritan ka veidi poodides käia, see ikkagi Pariis ju :P
Les Halles ootab!
Saabun 13.08 :D
Ilusat Augustit ;)
Ma loodan, et kõik, kes midagi seal soovivad, on juba minuga ühendust võtnud. Kui ei, siis helistage :D
Meil pole aias eriti lilli aga kiile on küll. Üks oli nõus mulle ka küsimata poseerima.
Ostsin Pariisi minekuks jalatsid. Need on nüüd nii äratallatud kui võimalik. Küll ma olen nendega öösiti igalpool ringi kolistanud - küll liiva sees, küll mullas :D Nad ei näe enam nii värsked välja ja siis ma mõtlesin, et töötlen neid veidi :P
Loodan, et saan teile hiljem Pariisist ka ülevaate teha. Piltide näol. Ja ma üritan ka veidi poodides käia, see ikkagi Pariis ju :P
Les Halles ootab!
Saabun 13.08 :D
Ilusat Augustit ;)
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